Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Police Are Racist

Some police officers have apparently shot dead a 73-year old black man in front of his family, then moved a gun to make it look like he was threatening them. What makes it clearly racist is the following gem.
"People here are afraid of the police," said Terry Willis, vice president of the Homer branch of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People. "They harass black people, they stop people for no reason and rough them up without charging them with anything."

That is how it should be, responded Homer Police Chief Russell Mills, who noted the high rates of gun and drug arrests in the neighborhood.

"If I see three or four young black men walking down the street, I have to stop them and check their names," said Mills, who is white. "I want them to be afraid every time they see the police that they might get arrested.
Now that's some grade-A old-fashioned fucking racism. Most racists at least have the presence of mind not to be so up-front, or to throw in a feeble "not racist, but..."

I guess I've got to give this racist shitnozzle some credit for being so honest about it.

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