Sunday, March 15, 2009

San Diego is Racist

San Diego, and really all Southern California, has a problem. That problem is that Southern California is racist.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has reported that since 2000 hate groups have grown from 602 to 926 nationwide, an increase of 50 percent in eight years. California leads the nation with 84 hate groups with the largest concentration right here in Southern California.
Southern California is a pretty nice place, if you discount the racism (as well as the exurbian wasteland between civic centers). It's pretty hard to discount something as mind-boggingly retarded as racism when the organized opposition decides to...
... [engage] elected officials and other civic leaders in educating the public while using reason and moral persuasian to counter the dehumanizing rhetoric of hate groups and their followers.
If it works then great, but I suspect that reason and moral persuasion aren't going to change the minds of goddamn racists.

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